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Annual Cricket Tournament.

Few captures of CHSOMSF annual cricket encounter held in Welagedara International Cricket Stadium, Kurunegala patronage of Maliyadeva College OBA on 13th, 14th and 15th December 2024.

Announcement before Tournament

This year Annual Olcott school’s and Old Boys cricket tournament will be played in Welagedara cricket stadium on 13th 14th and 15th December 2024.

This year cricket tournament and banquet will host by Maliyadeva College, Kurunegala with the assistance of Principal , OBA and well wishers.

13th morning strat the event with traditions and school’s cricket tournament begins, and end of the final match organisers has planned to have the prize distribution followed by dinner for team members.

14th Old Boys cricket tournament 1st round followed by banquet.
There will be 9 legends, one each from all 9 school’s will be felicitated considering their valuable contribution toward school and country in sports and social sectors.

15th qauter finals, semifinals and final will be played and followed by prize distribution and closing ceremony will be at the end.

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